Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Old clothes and fabric scraps-- a summer spread (in progress) made of linen and cotton

Here's a bedspread I'm working on with a little more than half the pieces sewn together in random blocks.
It's made of old slip covers, old clothes, vintage tea towels... to name just a few. I want it to be fun and beautiful, but it's also important to me that it be durable and washable, not so precious that I can't flop on it to nap or read.  Cargo pants scraps-yes, silks-no.
I didn't start with any plan-- just threw together a color palette I liked and started cutting shapes and sewing strips together.

Trapezoids kept popping out-- Macchu Picchu seems to be buried somewhere in the linen roses.

also thoughts of Richard Diebenkorn's "Ocean Park" paintings .

and Gee's Bend quilts haven't been far from my mind.

I used the strips between the puckered woven stripes of this shirt.

and here's the tea-dyed cotton shower curtain that just keeps giving.

Old cargo pants

and tea towels with a little window-pane pizazz.