Sunday, April 15, 2012

Clyde Connell sculpture

Sculpture Group 1977

Swamp Ritual 1978
Mixed media
81" x 24" x 22"

Rain Place- Detail

Rain Place 1978
84" x 54" x 36"

Photo credits- "Clyde Connell" by Charlotte Moser

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Clyde Connell- Bound People Series

Bound People series
72" x 15" x 3"

Clyde Conell and Bound People series
72"x 15"x 3" each
Louisiana artist Clyde Connell (1901-1998) and some of her work. You can read about her in this  article by Charlotte Moser,  the author of the book "Clyde Connell".

-Photos from Charlotte Moser's book, "Clyde Connell."

Clyde Connell- Non-persons

Non-person posts- Detail

Non-person Posts
Mixed Media collage
including machine gears, chains,  gear shifts,  feathers and fibers
108" x 67"

Non-person Woman
Mixed Media Collage
80" x 20"

-Photos from "Clyde Connell" by Charlotte Moser

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Birds +

Birds in squares plus one (or more) elements.

I've been thinking about shapes and what they might be beyond a graphic element in the bird drawings. Is a curved shape a solid like a planet, or a membrane filled with air like the surface of a balloon?  Is a dark triangle the absence of light--a shadow, a solid wall, or an empty space, a void? What is the relationship of a bird in a square to a shape, beyond line, pattern and texture?

What happens when a foreign element-- an object, event, relationship, or even a thought or a change in a way of thinking-- inserts itself into the neat little squares we set up as our lives? What is our perception of and relationship to an uninvited, unknown, and unexplored presence? Aren't we at least a little bit curious? Just a few of the questions that have been on my mind lately....

Contour drawings after pictures of birds in
"Birds of the World as Painted by Nineteenth Century Artists"
by Hiroshi Aramata